
Dreams Without Borders, Reaching Across Thousands of Miles!

Release Date:2024/09/23

In this heartwarming season, URIT has extended its care to Latin America, fortunate to bear witness to the shining moments of a group of little dreamers!

In Latin America, there exists a group of children who weave their dreams with football and nurture hope with their sweat. Despite the limited conditions, their passion for football and perseverance in pursuit of victory have never waned. This time, we have partnered with Chevrolet to provide sponsorship to these talented Latin American children, hoping that this gift from afar will serve as a warm companion on their journey towards dreams.

As a company with an international responsibility, we understand that education and growth transcend borders. This sponsorship is not only a support for the children's football dreams but also a manifestation of our commitment to international social responsibility. We believe that every child represents the future of the world, deserving attention and care regardless of their location.

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